Thursday, November 8, 2012

Homemade Hot Cocoa Mix

I'm Liz.  ("Hi, Liz.")  This is my 137th day in a row drinking hot cocoa.

I have this problem.  I really enjoy hot cocoa.  When my friends in high school all picked up their Starbucks and I tagged along, me and my non-coffee-drinking self learned to love their hot cocoa.  

Now, this does not claim to match that.  Nor will it come anywhere NEAR Ghirardelli's Drinking Chocolate you can order in San Francisco or Monterey.  But if you need a hot cocoa fix--a real one, not from one of those foil packets--here you go.

This recipe is for 1 gallon, but I'll show you how to make single servings, too.

Combine dry milk powder, sugar, cocoa and salt in mixing bowl and whisk together until well combined.

One serving size is 1/3 cup mix, so... 

scoop it into a mug of hot water, 

or if you like the ease of those foil packets but hate all the "extras," scoop it into a zip-top bag and label it as one serving.

Homemade Hot Cocoa Mix

3 cups dry milk powder (I use non-instant)
3/4 cup cocoa
3/4 cup sugar
1/2 T salt

Combine ingredients in mixing bowl.  For single serving, scoop out 1/3 cup and add to 1 cup (8 oz) HOT water.  Otherwise, combine with 1 gallon HOT water (large pot works well for this).  Do not mix with cold water unless you want lumpy cocoa!

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