Potato salad seems to be one of those foods people get opinionated about, and I'm pretty sure it has everything to do with what they ate as a kid at family barbecues throughout the summer.
There are so many different kinds, to begin to represent all of them would be impossible. There are salads made with red potatoes, new potatoes, and tiny little potatoes you hardly have to cut. Some dressings are made from primarily fresh ingredients, while others stick to pantry and refrigerator staples. Some salads can stand alone with the use of bacon and other hearty ingredients, while some stick on the lighter side. Most are served cold, but some potato salads taste better warm. No matter what, they're (usually) all delicious, and a great accompaniment to grilled meat.
This is my mama's potato salad--the one I grew up loving and looking forward to at big family gatherings. I ultimately had to learn how to make it by standing at Mama's elbow while she made it and watching carefully, since it was one of those "a little of this, a little of that" recipes. The best ones are.
Start by peeling, washing, and chopping up potatoes. Mama likes to please the menfolk of the family and doesn't chop into little dainty potato bites--these are good sized cubes, but still small enough for the kids in the family to not be in danger of choking.

Mama also uses boiled eggs in this recipe. The ratio of eggs to potatoes is 1:1, and don't you forget it. Erin posted an awesome boiled egg how-to here.

...but if you want to know how Mama does it (which is really about the same), just cover the eggs with cold water and turn your heat to medium. Bring the pot to a boil, boil one minute, then turn it off and let it sit until the water is about lukewarm. Drain the hot water and cover eggs with cold water, either by running under the cold tap or submerging in ice water. Let sit for a few minutes before peeling.

Meanwhile, the potatoes have come to a boil. Boil for 10 to 20 minutes (I know, big range), or until tender but not disintegrating.

Mama uses the fork test: you should be able to stab the potatoes and hold it on the fork, and if it falls in half easily after being stabbed they're definitely ready. Drain the potatoes and set aside.

Add dressing ingredients: real mayonnaise, (Mama only uses Hellman's, or Best Foods if you're in the West) mustard, salt, pepper and (the secret ingredient) dill pickle juice to desired consistency.

Stir it all together and chill well before serving.
Mama's Potato Salad
12 small/medium potatoes, peeled, washed and chopped into bite-sized pieces
12 eggs
6 dill pickles, finely chopped
2 T finely chopped (or minced) onion
1 cup real mayo
2 T mustard
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 tsp pepper
1/4 cup (or more, if desired) dill pickle juice
Boil potatoes until fork tender. Drain and cool. Boil eggs; cool, peel and chop. Combine all ingredients in large bowl and mix well. Add additional dressing ingredients if desired. Serves a crowd (15 to 20).